Issues have arisen with the 2024 Speed Championship due to "speciality" classes giving rise to some unusual scores.
Our regulations (Appendix A) states that
Speed Championship [15.2]
Points will be scored on each qualifying event as follows, maximum score per event 110.
Calculations as per Motorsport UK Regulations T7.3.4, T7.3.6 and T7.4.1 modified as follows:
T7.3.4 - an Index of Performance will be established for each class by taking the average of the best performances of the best 50% of finishers (or if there is an odd
number of finishers, the total plus one) in the respective class.
Classes will be taken as those on the event.
However, some events include "speciality" classes for other championships when the event results show the times taken in the "normal" way - the
championships use a handicap system to even up the expected performance of the cars, and drivers, but these are not published with the event results.
For 2024 we have to stick with our regulations with respect to the overall scoring.
For category placings we shall only include cars that are entered in one of our championship categories (S, 1-5). Competitors competing in a class outside those categories will be
shown in a Category X. (Note that on some events the class definitions may vary, e.g. Loton Park events define Libre cars in class 5 or 6, so we will include those in our championship
categories wherever possible).
Links to the overall and individual class charts can be found below.
Any queries should be sent to the Championship Co-Ordinator
The ANWCC Championship Regulations will be reviewed, and amended as necessary, for 2025 - suggestions would be welcomed.